Become a Member
$40.00 Annual Membership
Member Benefits
• Members are connected. Membership connects you with parents, family members, self-advocates (individuals with disabilities), advocates, disability professionals, and community members.
• Members spread the message. Awareness is an outgrowth of membership, and awareness is the first step to creating society-wide acceptance of people with disabilities.
• Members make services possible. Your membership helps The Arc of Loudoun advocate for, educate, serve, and support people with disabilities and their families.
• Members strengthen our community. Your support helps people with disabilities become more independent, productive, and fully included in our local community. Without your help there is less opportunity for personal growth and achievement.
• Members are invited to our Annual Meeting. As a member of The Arc of Loudoun you are included in any votes on constitutional and bylaws changes as well as vote for/against officers and directors of the board. The Annual Meeting is also an opportunity to learn about the exciting things happening at The Arc.
• Members receive resources and support. Helping you tap into the local network of services in Loudoun County and the surrounding area.
Membership Frequently Asked Questions
How much is a Membership?
$40 is the annual membership that can be for an individual or family. Just $40 to receive all the benefits of The Arc of Loudoun Membership.
What is my membership date?
Your membership starts the day you make your payment (for example March 3 is the day you paid for your membership. March 3 is your membership date for that year – membership dates can change each year depending on payment date).
Who are the members of your membership?
Your membership can be for an individual with or without a disability or for a family. Entire organization can be members, too – contact us for more information regarding corporate membership. We want to ensure that membership is accessible to all in our community, so f you would like to become a member but need assistance with the $40 annual fee, please contact us info@thearcofloudoun.org.
How do I renew my Membership?
You can set up an annual recurring payment to make continued membership a breeze. We will also send out reminders prior to your membership renewal date.
What if I want to give a larger gift?
Thanks to many in our community, The Arc of Loudoun receives gifts throughout the year that help us sustain and grow our programs! Donations in addition to your membership fee, are greatly appreciated!
The Arc of Loudoun, founded in 1967, is a non-profit with five integrated programs dedicated to serving the most vulnerable and underserved in Loudoun County and the Greater Washington DC Region—children and adults with disabilities, their families and caretakers, and the professionals who help them achieve their maximum potential. People with disabilities often face many hurdles as they attempt to live their lives as fully engaged, active members of society. The Arc of Loudoun works to support individuals and families navigating overwhelming experiences.